SAHIBA is a Multi-Brand online Retail Store based in Mexico City that

Sells Curated High Fashion Designer Clothes in Mexico.

We have been working with Sahiba for over 5 years helping them in various marketing disciplines, such as UI/UX design, Influencer marketing, etc. Recently, we worked with SAHIBA to redesign their editorial strategy and help them increase their organic traffic from Google.

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In their editorial section, they had been posting fashion related topics but they needed a more concrete and effective strategy to make these topics discoverable by their potential customers on Google.

Sahiba Challenges

The biggest challenge we faced while redesigning their editorial strategy was ‘high competition’, for competitive keyword phrases relevant to their products such as pantalones, Gafas de sol, skirts, Faldas etc.

– everyone is writing about these trending topics. So, we had to find a way to discover topics that people are searching for but not many people are writing about, and they are also relevant to products being sold on the website What made the task even more challenging is the fact that Google is quite conservative in sharing what people are searching and especially how many are searching for these keywords

How Agilis World Inc. executed the Challenges

We started by carefully selecting topics that have a high search value on Google. The next step was to look for keywords with a low ‘editorial competition’, which is not the same as ‘advertising competition’.

Google’s Paid Search Listings

For example, many retailers might be willing to pay to show up on Google’s paid search listings for a specific

keyword but very few retailers might actually be writing
about it. So, our decision to write about the topics was
based on its editorial competition and not how many
marketers are bidding for that keyword.

High Search Value on Google

We analyzed the traffic stats on Google Analytics and found that big portion of traffic coming from Websites.

We started by carefully selecting topics that have a high
search value on Google. The next step was to look for
keywords with a low ‘editorial competition’, which is not the
same as ‘advertising competition’.

How do these posts generate sales, you might ask?

We found similar products in their inventory and linked & embedded the products in the posts itself.This allows the customer to read the article, check products directly relevant to the topic and decide whether they want to also purchase them.

Post Results

  • The topics we selected and wrote are getting
    more traffic

than the previously written posts which targeted more competitive topics.

As a result, we’ve been able to multiply the brand’s
organic traffic from Google. Thanks to our copy-
writing team for writing such engaging articles that
are not only doing well on Google’s search listing
but also serving as a daily dose of fashion inspiration
for SAHIBA customers.

Cambios y Devoluciones

  • Si un producto te queda grande o pequeño, tiene algún defecto o te llegó un producto que no solicitaste, ¡no te preocupes!, ¡Te lo cambiamos !

Para cambios tendrás que devolver la prenda y notificarnos vía correo electrónico Una vez que recibamos la prenda, nosotros te enviamos la prenda de cambio o bien la devolución de tu dinero .


Una vez recibida y procesada tu devolución, te enviaremos un correo

electrónico de confirmación y emitiremos un reembolso al método de pago original en un plazo de cuatro días hábiles.

Ten en cuenta que podrían requerirse 10 días hábiles adicionales para que tu cuenta refleje el importe reembolsado. Consulta con tu banco o institución financiera para determinar cuándo tu reembolso estará disponible.